Why does this cold spell have to plague London now? Chris, Pez and I are sitting in the lounge, and each of us are wrapped in duvets. Pez being wrapped is understandable but as I mentioned before I'm packing on meat now and Chris is beefy enough to keep warm however it's far too cold now.
On a positive note, I feel very inspired right now to write some articles for a variety of different magazines that accept unsolicited submissions. Ironically however, the cold weather makes me want to wear silly clothing in order to stay warm and practical as opposed to my spring/summer clothing which is binding, low cut, breezy and fresh. I am sick of my winter clothing and want to break free of layers (not the good king, the bulky kind).
Last night's agenda was going to the theatre in Holborn. A Mid Summer Night's Dream, a play I don't really like however it was performed wonderfully last night. The Mechanicals (or players) of course stole the show, and other performances I've seen of the play have completely cut out their last scene and end the play with the lovers walking off with everything sorted out. One fantastic thing about watching theatre reminds me of how much I DON'T want to act but how much more I want to write.
I started a short story over two months ago and I haven't touched it since. I have found my continuing theme though, or something that my mind wants to explore because it's something that isn't me at all, well components are of course, but the main device I'm going to use to explore isn't something I know too much about (personal experience, not general knowledge of the activity). And what is this activity one might ask, a probative question considering the answer...
Masturbation. Well compartmentalised people. Actually everyone is compartmentalised but using that compartment of masturbation and the fantasy versus reality etc... I think it's interesting. And considering that masturbation was brought up after the play and how it went hush hush because one of our friends didn't want to hear that our other friend wanks at least once a day. And knowing that another friend wanks 3 times a day.
For reasons unknown I find this interesting so interesting, even more interesting that certain people are willing to divulge this information to others like it's nothing, where certain characters would never admit to it. I think that's what I like most about the topic of sex, how open people can be about it, or how completely closed off others can be and the reasons for both of their outlooks on the subject. That's where the compartmentalisation comes in. How your sexual self doesn't neccsearily reflect your day to day self, work self, sibling self, first date self, dinner with family self. And it goes further beyond that as well, the fantastical self.
See I've got lots to work with. Like my play I wrote for Women's Study that dealt with urination, class, gender, race, and ummm perhaps social status I suppose I like the pseudo-taboo subjects, because everyone inadvertantly talks about having to use the toilet, just using those words as well. And everyone has to pee at some point (cathater or not!).
Toilet and masturbation culture, cool right? And like the boys just spoke of, someone could excuse themselves and say that they're going for a wee when really they're going for a wank. I swear Pez and Chris just recited a story in which they suspect that happened.