Tuesday, 2 October 2007

so this morning

Second night in a row that I've had a shit sleep, but even calling it a sleep is an overstatement. I've been awake since around 5:30am and finally got out of bed at 6:45am because I knew that if I fell asleep, I would end up feeling worse. It's this house (old house). Especially now that everything has been boxed up and shifted around, there is so much dust in the air and I'm congested and wheezy all over again. And I can definitely feel myself getting sick because I'm not sleeping properly, but this morning (which it still is, it's now 7:17am here) I woke up that early mainly due to stress, but couldn't fall back asleep because of this congestion. I'm repeating myself but I'm slightly delirious. Last night I kept dropping asleep but housemate Tet who is moving into mine and Chris' room, was building stuff and knocking around so I would wake up at the slightest tick. So in the past two nights, I've had many 9 hours sleep, which is usually my going rate per night.

And because of this stress, not only do I feel it physically, but mentally. However, a massive relief was actually seeing the flat last night. And signing the contract, even if upon signing the contract, we find out that our flat is actually, after all, after many trips to bloody Ikea, after all that time spent etc. furnished. It is just a comedy of errors with this flat but in fact it's easier, even if the furniture is rather bachelor pad and way too big for the size of the flat. We'll make it work. And we have a great mattress which means that I may actually sleep well. Chris has to complete the annoying task today of denying Ikea delivery (we've spoken with customer service and this sort of thing happens frequently). One rather awful thing about today is that we're having a press launch tonight which means I have to work until around 9pm. So I'm working 12 hours, sleeping 4 1/2 whilst in the process of moving. I'm reaching exhausted, or I am just getting sick...yet again...