Sunday, 25 February 2007


Yet another grey day in the country's capital. I'm being brought to the Baring Pub to watch Carling Cup final: Arsenal vs. Chelsea. I'm not that bothered by both going, but the match itself.

Last night a bunch of friends and I made plans to lash, but when it came down to it, everyone was tired, old and unshowered. So Chris and I watched C.S.I. instead, then Twelve Monkeys then Chris finally beat the
Fishy Game

Also in the span of the evening I turned my friend Martin on to C.S.I even though he claims to be unimpressed, he just needs to try a bit harder!

And yes, I still do and will always have to run through the opening credits.

Tonight is the Oscars and in breaking in tradition (it being getting dressed up and eating KFC for my yearly binge) I am watching online at 1:00am in my pjs drinking tea most likely. I'm sure that Chris and I will countlessly quote Forest Whitacker in Last King of Scotland. "But you did not persuade me Nicholas". Amazing film and superb performance. If the Queen wins best picture, I'm sure Chris will be forced to react the same way he did when Ireland crushed England in the rugby last night. Sofa punching. Pig Off! being shouted from his lips
(what does that even mean??)

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