Monday, 19 February 2007


I am currently eating a Mars bar, looking for a job. Life continued on after the CSI debacle. Thankfully Chris and I could watch the finale of the episode and all is resolved again in my world of materials and television shows.

Chris is hard at work looking for work experience, parusing through the book of publishers and high-lighting the ones he thinks will suit him best. I spent a better portion of today looking through online magazines and seeking out ways to submit works.

The conclusion I came to was that Chris and I have a bountiful number of resources including two housemates who are in architecture and know a great deal about design, Chris needs editorial practice and experience, and I can write, photograph and style all sorts of goodies. Thus Christopher and I are going to collaborate on something web-based. It's not solely for CV purposes but it can't hurt. More details to follow and obviously more brainstorming will have to ensue but I think it's a positive step in the right direction.

I've been feeling very demoralized by the London job scene. On top of that, I've lacked any sort of creative drive so I feel this is a wonderful burst of inspiration and I hope it's not a pipe dream!

Any thoughts?

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