Thursday, 31 May 2007

creme fresh (or its full french get the point)

Maybe, just maybe I'm a bit cranky. I think my mood is dictated depending on the type of bus journey I have. In the mornings, if the bus is full and full of wankers (such was the case yesterday!!) I have a bad day. It puts me in a real foul frame of mind which is hard to shake for the rest of the day, then it's compounded by the thought that everyone else around me at work is grumpy.

Today the bus journey was great going into work, amazingly, and for some strange London reason which I haven't quite figured out yet, it wasn't busy at all today (can someone explain the fluxuation of people on buses per day and why there is such a wide varience?). Coming home tonight though, my personal space was supremely invaded.

Now I understand that when I'm standing up, ultimately my bits are going to be smacked, groped, felt up, brushed against, or blatently pinched. There are far too many people on the 38 bus in the morning for there not to be (unless it's an anomoly day such as today and other days at other times...) but when I'm sitting, I'd like to think that I'm not the girl that you can basically use at a bloody chair. I was on the aisle and some girl came and planted her bum on the edge of my seat and lent her back up against me while she talked about what a banging tune that was innit...(p.s. FUCK OFF! with your stupid mobile phones, it's a piece of plastic that transmits signals who gives a shit!!). But then her friend said "If I go flying, your hair is coming wit me" which made me slightly smirk (I had a visual and a moment of "please take her hair with her, let her stop leaning against me!").

Oh also, I think some people are put on the bus to test my gag relfex. At 8:15am when bits are being blah blah blahed, I don't want anyone to: (these, as you may have guessed have already happened...)

a) cough down my neck
b) be sitting across from me when I'm wearing a skirt and look at my crotch only to have your wife elbow you then start to lecture you (I'm a 38 bus whore evidently, not by choice mind)
c) snore (fuck off, you're just as bad as mobile phones and UK garage)
d) mucus snort what have you, this is the worst
e) take that back! Picking your nose. I had to close my eyes. Really tight. Fucking repulsive.

Am I no longer a pleasant person.

Life in PR week 5.

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