Monday, 21 May 2007

a little bit better

In my 22 and half years in this life, I haven't been riddled with this problem before, the upset tummy problem and I'm praying it's not old age which is causing this and that it's greasy bacon and two and a half mid afternoon pints that makes me want to curl into the fetal position and wish I wasn't born yet.

I at least feel better, and felt better enough to take the 1 hour tube journey to Heathrow to see my dad and Ellaine before they return to Canada after being on a cruise for two weeks. It was nice to see my father and make fun of him briefly. That's usually what family gatherings consist of.

This week, I hope to see Dave Eggers speak at ICA. And this weekend I'm going with Chris and his parents to Wales since it's a bank hoiday. They have a cottage there by the sea and I've yet to go so I'm rather looking forward to that. However work this work is going to be a long one because of the early rise on Tuesday morning. I might be out of commission until Thursday when I return to a normalish sleep schedule.

And speaking of which, I have to go to bed now.

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