Sunday, 24 June 2007


No we didn't attend some sex club, or get backstage at an absurdist playhouse. This is Stevie's backroom, which was lit red and thus made us all look like some seedy, bottom dwellers, lurking around for casual sex or perhaps some assault. It was, despite the way I just depicted everything, a massively low key evening (for 5 St. Philip's way et al, perhaps not for Stevie and her crew). I dressed like Pochahantas and the boys being cowboys arrived in Manor House with a drunken greeting unparalleled. But Chris, Tet and I were hungry and went to eat which was ultimately the kiss of death because before eating, I was having a lovely time sipping from a pint glass of absinthe and reeling from Dragon Stout (it's alcoholic, it tastes like chocolate, could I ask for more? sidenote being maybe mint chocolate baileys?). But after our lovely Turkish meal, I was very relaxed and enjoyed the moody atmosphere and am thankful today because I don't feel suicidal.

And tomorrow I am going to book a holiday to bring the lil' Brit Chris home to Canadia for a short visit. That won't be until September which will be a year since I left. I find it very hard to believe I've been gone a year almost.

I have loads more to think/say but I'll get down to that later.

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