Saturday, 7 July 2007

Repressed and a blatant liar

Oh I didn't not do anything for the rest of the weekend. I'd like to say that I was forced into going to a party in a warehouse in Manor House in the middle of a residential block but that's lies. I went voluntarily. And we brought gin. And I was drinking with Dane. It wasn't pretty but the building was incredible! It was a private party, not a rave, because one of Suzy's many architecture friends bought it to live in as well as use for a studio. Gin though is a nasty, nasty drink. It turns even the most civil people into barking idiots who do weird things like tell strangers that they're engaged (yes I did that). I don't understand where this innate liar comes from within myself when I'm drunk but I come up with the most fascinating stories that just aren't true. And eventually I crack and say, no that's such a lie and then I look even weirder but I'm bloody arrogant and know I can get away with it because I'm pretty cute and have a sugary voice. I'm awful, even worse for writing it down. At least it's self-effacing and only subtly sociopathic.

I am now enjoying a three day weekend because of the weekend I worked for 02 wireless and it's even better because we're having a massive party here today/tonight and I don't feel like working on Monday. Love London. Hate weather. It's been rainy for about a month now and it hasn't been warm since maybe beginning of June. But I do prefer this to sweltering heat of southern Ontario. Where I don't like sweltering heat is on the Tube where I proceeded to get stuck for around half an hour between Highbury and Islington to King's Cross. In the tunnel, amongst rush hour commuters trying to get to work. I was an hour late and basically underground for over an hour. London transport is a bit of a joke since it's so old and rickety, but if I hear signal failure one more time...but at least it's better than hearing "there are delays on the Northern line due to a customer underneath a train" (this only seems to happen on the Northern line not any others, or at least that I've come across, and to the Canadians who are innocent and read this, the customer is underneath the train on purpose).

I think that sums up the drama of my past week. And I'm booking Paris with Chris to go early August. And I hope to come home to Canada with boy in tow on 2 September until the 15. It will feel so weird to drive again.

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