Saturday, 25 August 2007


Oh my! On Friday's at work, get have early dismissal at 4pm. This actually means Sophie and I head down to the pub, have two bottles of wine, stagger to Camden. Meet Chris, have another glass (I have no idea how I finished it) then Chris and I stagger down to have some vietnamese. Then we flop on the tube, come home, watch batman forever only for me to fall asleep at midnight.

Thankfully I don't feel suicidally hungover today as it's a) bank holiday weekend and we're travelling back to Brum and b) we have to go out and find a flat which is an excruciating experience.

And apparently it's a big night out in Birmingham tonight. I hope it doesn't turn into fog night where everyone looks like hell in photos.

And only 4 more days of work until Canadian holiday!

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