I'm beyond frustrated at our moving situation. The plan was, from 4 weeks ago, that Chris and I would move in today to our new flat. Here's the bloody story:
So we found our flat the friday before we left for Canada. We filled out the papers, sent them off, everything was fine, move in date was 29 September. That was four weeks ago now. We've been back in the UK for two weeks and only on this Tuesday do we hear from our referencing people that I need a guarantor because I'm only a lodger at the house, not on the tenancy agreement. Now because we only hear on Tuesday, we have to put a rush order on the money, i.e. first month's rent and 6 weeks deposit. Had this bloody referencing company got back to us about two weeks, or even last week (they've only had four weeks to process this) everything would have been fine. So Chris looks up how to do this transfer and it says that he has to post something to Swindon in order for this to be transferred immediately. So he posts the letter Wednesday night, thinking it would arrive by Thursday, money would go through, we would be fine. No no. Come Friday, I receive this panicked email from Chris saying that the money hasn't gone through, that our estate agent is in Bristol giving a training session and there's no one at the office who knows that they're doing/can help us. So now, we're sitting here, no one has contacted us regarding any information and I'm really aggravated. We're I suppose moving on Monday, we'll in all actuality, Chris and his mother are moving us on Monday as I'm off to work.
And we have to go back to ikea, suffer through another arduous near divorce but perhaps come out stronger. But right now I'm living amongst boxes and mess. And last night at John Lewis, I grew up by buying a kettle, dust buster, toaster and an iron. But today, I'm going to make the most of it by leaving the house, going to Upper st. and finding cool things such as, I have no idea what, I just like stuff.
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