Saturday, 12 April 2008

playing doctor

Last night being supremely great has lead me to feel a cold brewing in the back of the my throat therefore missing a fun night out tonight with Jonas and Pippa. However last night I did ride in a rickshaw with Sophie down Oxford st for £3 each so it's a bit of a fair trade off. Today i've been relegated to watching tv in my pjs, lots of Friends and eventual wiki immersion.

I'm far less stressed this week in a literal sense, but still have this feeling that my stomach is in knots which is affecting me more ways than one. I don't stand alone though in this complex and it seems to be a recurring symptom throughout the office. I am on the other hand, looking slimmer with my thighs nearly back to their original size. So strange how I feel my body has deviated and now I've spotted these new lines under my eyes where mascara now seems to get caught. By mid day I need to wipe off because I look like I haven't slept in days.

Besides my outward vanity and transparent self indulgence, I've had some funny conversations with Chris lately, one of which should definitely be documented. I was talking to him about how I was obsessed with the name Jessica when I was younger and whenever I played house with my brother and sisters, I would always be called Jessica. Chris' response was, 'what is house?', my reply 'you don't know what playing house is?' he said, 'well I've heard of it'. That really tickled me.

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