Saturday, 31 May 2008

here are few

Of my current favourite things.

Eating alone on Saturday night, at the quaint french restaurant, drinking wine alone, and not being half as self-conscious as would be prescribed on such a serene evening (nearly romantic).

Controlling the stereo via remote. I can sit at the sofa with macbook, drink my vodka/coke and listen to whatever I want, however loud I want, when I want it. None of this standing up business and scrolling. Why have I never practiced this before?

Having irreverent texts with Suzy. Something involving a gallery, a Heman, a car and a drink on Upper st. Come again?

And lastly, what is borderline stemming this methodic madness, is this curiousness I have in a mostly dire situation which will end up in nothing at all. But I'm a freak and need to know!

Am I hateable?

Suzy text reads: Cool

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