Wednesday, 31 December 2008

my 2008

Chris and I have been back in Birmingham at his parents house. It drove us both a bit mad to be there for a week (bless his parents, they're truly lovely!) but it made me realise the vast differences in the way Chris and I were brought up and the way it's affected our behaviour now. Where Chris is very tolerant of his parents bumbling and constant chit chat (as he puts it "mortally terrified of offending his mother, she's very sensitive") I would have told my parents to both shut up by the second day. Like I've put before, it's not supposed to be nasty but rather endearing.

So this is my year coming to an end. And being at Chris' parents and growing further and further into desperation, longing for my own 'personal time', I sat in bed writing about my year while Chris was being annoying downstairs.

So the obvious afflictions (some not really), meaning that I could talk about getting married but to be honest, I was trying to remember what song we played after we got married, and I can't for my life think of what it was. But really, the song that made this most impact this year had to be "Low" by Flo Rida. I think it's the perfect example of when irony turns into reality. Here is my brief history of the song:

January/February: This annoying song keeps being played on the radio, at least it's intermittently. Still, I am aggravated whenever I hear it. It's not charming whatsoever.

March: Chris and I are driving to Wales and are listening to the radio. We hear the song about 4 times on the 3 hour drive. It's very annoying and we ate it.

April: On the way home from Wales, we stop in a rest stop and see this little Welsh thug like children singing along to the song on their mobile. Equally if not more annoying.

May/June: one of the girls I used to work with loved the song and demanded the radio be turned up whenever it was played at work. It was usually played around 3 times a day on the same radio station.

June/July: Step Up 2 (the Streets) preview is played on television featuring that song. Because I am now unemployed I see it very regularly.

September: Chris and I in Canada. The song is starting to grow on us. We enjoy watching the video and I explain the tattoo on Flo Rida's back being the shape of Florida on its side, to look like a gun. We start dissecting the song. Chris thinks parts sound like UK garage, I like the part where he says: Turned around and gave that big booty a slap whoah!

October (or there about): We read this Facebook profile which lists 'Low' as the best song ever. We began agreeing.

November/December: Condone whenever the song is played on the radio. We heard it driving through Birmingham earlier this week and turned it up and car danced along.

I wonder what 2009 has in store? Maybe my dignity, good taste in music (again).

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