Wednesday, 14 January 2009


a self-referential entry. Similar to being in grade school when you have your first public-speaking contest and you don't know what to write your speech on, so your teacher tells you to write one on speeches.

Last night after trolling around here and facebook, I've found about 5 other friend's blogs- all girls. Quite strange for me because the ratio of male to female friends is very high so I don't know why none of my male counterparts aren't writing things down.

But it's a nice little community of girls, where we all write about dreamy things like books, music, jobs and our ambitions for travel. My friend Kayla has made a list of every book she' ever read, without her maybe even knowing that I've read her blog and that list.

It's tidy girl world here which is a nice break from the pseudo-machismo I'm surrounded with on a daily basis. Sometimes I just don't give a shit if Aston Villa lose, and to be honest, I think I know way too much about Premier League football because Chris is constantly sneaking it into conversation, like he does with his socks and underwear when I do my laundry. And I find myself making comments back about things. And we're watching Dexter season 3 and one of the characters looks like player from the league and I made the reference myself.

So maybe this is positive way to shuffle my somewhat homesickness. To read about my girl friends charming existences because in actual fact, that's what I want too. Geography has nothing to do with it, maybe it's about me trying to attain all these paramount goals of career, life and book lists.


Anonymous said...

I returned the lurk and am impressed with your detective skills. I like the post. perhaps the blog is the modern day pen pal?

tracy said...

You are completely right! It is a bunch of us ladies. And I'd have it no other way.

Unknown said...

pssst I'm linkin' your blog, I hope that's ok... I'm glad you noticed my OCD tendencies and don't think I'm crazy... heh *blush*