Just another lazy Sunday.
Being in Britain, and being with someone exceptionally cynical has sort of forced me into this anti-happy-go-lucky kind of bird, however things are coming up rosey again.
How great is Spotify? It's an online music streamer, and I just play free association all day long. I don't know how today started bit it lead me from Buzzcocks, to Roy Orbison, somewhere down the line to Yes, to Jethro Tull, to Elvis Costello and now Ben Folds who I haven't listened to in a few years because his royal highness doesn't like it. Well also because Army was played every Friday at Red Square and I think I maxed out. Oh well. Boo hiss to Chris, I'm keeping my music categorical now.
This was essentially the basis of all conversations on Friday night. Chris and I went out with Jonas to this pop punk pub night in Shoreditch however it was rammed full with 17 year olds and we were some of the only people there born before 1990 so we left soon there after. Theoretically, that night could have been amazing. But getting lost in the streets of EC1 with Jonas and his print-out Google map was equally as fun (and or funny). Basically Jonas and I were having a love-in on Spotify and Last.fm. Linking and listing is very exciting points of conversation for me. And yes, it's another 17 year old moment to speak so extensively about music whilst you're drinking a £4.60 pint of Hoegarden.
And then of course we ended up at the Birdcage until 3am. Chris and I just had a giggle. I made him text 118118 to see where Robert Pattinson was in London. They texted back saying: Sorry no info.
I'm pretty sure this is only funny to me. That and Chris managing to spill red wine all over my sweater from gesticulating, and then spilling beer all over my jacket later that evening,at a separate location, under different circumstances.
somebody is tracking Robert Pattinson and there's a number with which one can discover this info?
I feel I need one of these things for a few people. I'll start with Shia LeBeautiful.
haha. No, 118118 is this service you text from your phone and you can ask them anything, like taxi service numbers and I am sure there is a Canadian equivalent I just can't think of it. Seriously though, let's get scouting. We can work on Morse code and warn each other internationally where these boys are.
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