yes yes yes! Warm weekend in London. And by warm I mean it was 13 yesterday and sunny which all things considered, is warm. I forced Chris out of the flat, to the market and past. Lovely little walk through London Fields where, in true British fashion, if there's any extreme of weather- be it cold and snowy or warm and bright people go mental. And so it was. We sat on a bench judging people's clothes and dogs.
My day to day happenings haven't been particularly interesting, not even remotely. I guess the only strange thing is that Chris has this new habit of dropping prepared food on the floor. He dropped his half bagel earlier this morning, dropped loads of spinach last night, and apparently a few nights ago when I was out, he dropped a chicken breast. I promise he threw everything out after he did so, but because he's such a moody bastard and because this is becoming increasingly worrisome, I had to listen to him kvetch this morning about how he keeps doing it and how annoying it is. I told him it's more annoying to listen to him complain.
But I'm guessing now it's more annoying reading me write how it's annoying to listen to him being annoyed at dropped bagels. Yup. This is dull. But things are heating up.
i love your posts. and this was not annoying -- in fact, it was amusing!
also, what's become more and more amusing to me is that in some ways, you and your gentleman are like the uk version of me and my gentleman. in our personalities in the relationship and past times!
haha, that's amazing! I wish we could double date but you two are always welcome to come to London and stay with us. We have macbooks and mood swings. Seriously, the four of us could pillowtalk about gross things then go out dancing.
Awww that's the worst! I'd probably whine a bit too. It's like losing a scoop on your ice cream cone: DEVASTATING!
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