Thursday, 12 February 2009


I think I took advantage of being quite acute when I was 18. I did things and didn't realize just how beneficial they were. A couple for instances: showering everyday, writing all the time, studying to classical music (and then sometimes to Frank Sinatra and Louis Prima). Seriously what hadn't I thought of that sooner: writing with classical music on?

So I did last night and my mind became this perfect streamline, perfect little meditations formed into phrases. So I'm on 18,000 words now but I'm holding this particular piece close to my chest. Chris has seen parts and I've discussed it briefly with a few people but no one will see it before it's definitively manicured.

Also, I'm starting another blog with musings on better things than my life. I mean (obviously) I discuss life's little abstracts and put them into a pragmatic sense of "greater picture" blah blah blah but I want something I can put on my CV that's more writerly. Again not that this isn't because this blog is a great aid (not only do I develop a lot of ideas through here but I'm also have conversations with friends across the world via blog, definitely way better than Facebook).

It's just this is about as personal as I'm willing to become in public. And I also use the word Fuck.

And I need to start spellchecking before I post. I make a lot of mistakes you know. But those little quirks will remain here, but I'll put a link to the polished version of my streamlined self once I do an entry or two tonight.


Unknown said...

I didn't know that you were writing a manuscript!

That's fantastic!!

just little said...

Arduous. I would have to say it's a love/hate relationship which is why I don't really discuss it. Have you started editing your second draft yet?

Unknown said...

I've signed up for what they're calling NaNoEdMo (National Novel Editing Month) so let's hope that the month of March proves productive. I feel like I can't move on to bigger and better things until I punch this one out.

just little said...

I know you can do it!!