No matter how much I attest to this, I'm sure I'm going to sound very arrogant even discussing this, let alone typing it (clearly it went into a further thought process than just discussing).
I've just been sitting around, reading the Saturday paper, which had a profile on a literary agent, who signed a writer because he wrote a great covering letter. I started asking Chris this questions whether it would be appropriate to mention in the letter that I would be quite marketable (as a woman, immigrant, 24 year old, dimpled). Chris response was definitely, publishing houses always want to hear that an author wants to engage with the media, being sexy certainly helps. That was his response.
I don't want this to sound shocking, but my husband thinks I'm sexy? This isn't ironic, or meant to be taken the wrong way, but it made me turn bright red. Sexy isn't exactly a word that's in my personal lexicon, well only sarcastically. I then had to hide behind the paper and ask him if I was being sexy right now and he replied yes. Then if he thought so when I first met him and he completely lit up. I know, I sound like a turbo idiot writing this down, let alone thinking about it (I'm sure my face deserves to melt) but seriously, in your mind, when you think you're simply projecting in image of a shy, awkward girl when obviously, it's not what's being reflected back at you.
One massive positive, I don't walk around 'tits out', so at least Chris' opinion on female sexiness isn't essentialised. Why is this such an uncomfortable topic? I'm typing with a cringe face, antithesis of sexyface assumably.
brilliant! your modesty is the sexiest part of it all.
ha, are you being sarcastic? I'm sort of regretting pressing post.
dead serious! no regrets!
You have the whole mysterious sexy thing goin' for you.
But I kind of think this whole post is cute heh
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