Good. I got him out of the house!
I managed to nearly concuss my dear husband putting away our groceries that we now get delivered every 2 weeks. He was putting away the Diet Coke and Perrier in the bottom cupboards, I was putting the soups in the top cupboard. I left the door open and he cracked his head on his ascent. But I smacked his ass while he made that motion and thought to myself, I didn't hit him that hard. Oh wait. He's grabbing his head and just screamed an obscenity. I rubbed his back and started to cry a bit myself because I really hurt him. Then hugged him apologizing an innocuous amount. Clearly I felt terrible.
Then the hypochondriac rears it's ugly 'I think I have a concussion and will die' head. He takes a hot shower and comes out feeling shaky. Starts spreading cream cheese on a bagel, feeling very shaky. "I think I have a concussion," he says. I reply with "you'd feel sleepy and very nauseous. Do you even have a head ache?" "No, not really, it's just tender around the back of my head and around my eyes," "I'm sure you don't have a concussion, I would be fighting you to stay awake if you did,"
"Check my pupils, are they the same size?" he asks 5 minutes later after emerging from the bathroom, after examining his eyes in the mirror. "Yes they're the same size," I insist. "My mother told me that if you have a concussion then your pupils become different sizes," (Another example of Chris' mum indulges his psychoses, bless her.) "I promise you're fine," I keep insisting, crying a bit inside because I've created this monster, entirely by accident.
I then got an email from a job application while Chris was on the computer and I come right over. He says it was good timing because he was about to google 'concussion'. The hell of my own creation. "YOU'RE FINE" I keep repeating however I can't get too pissy with him because I was the one who left the cupboard open.
He just left to go the bank. He asked if I was happy that he was going and I just looked up and smiled and said "I love you," and he left. Now if he keels over on the walk over, I'm going to feel very guilty.
Hahaha, oh google- did you know you had a PhD?
I google all of my health concerns as well haha. I'm sure he's ok though.
He's fine. He's a baby and I am tough love. Match made in heaven really.
You're just as bad lady!!
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