Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Spotify to find yourself

I haven't updated with any cultural exposition, I guess mainly due to too much disposition.

Weird semi-cultural quirk 1. Before exams in high school, I used to listen to Bennie and the Jets by Elton John. It stemmed from having it in my head during my french exam in gr.10 which I did fantastically well on and thus assumed it was lucky or something. Listening to it right now via Spotify. It's so, so good. I'm not a huge Elton John fan, but some of his songs are brilliant, and some of course now have been relegated to cliche (Tiny Dancer from Almost Famous, Candle in the Wind etc.). I also think it's funny now that I have some perspective and maturity, so many of his songs are about drugs. Rocket Man getting 'high as a kite'. Can't believe I missed that when I was 17.

Strange cultural quirk 2. Whenever I get back from a night out and have had a few...I keep listening to Bay City Rollers, 'Saturday Night'. It could be the primitive chanting of 'S.A.T.U.R.D.A.Y' that gets me, or post disco-rock Scottish singing voice, or the fact that it too, is way good but I always put it on at 3am. I wish my Last.fm list could recall times of songs played (for statistical interest as well as this).

Funny quirk 3. Tonight Chris was making sausage and mash and I was sitting at the computer reading some articles when I had a flashback to Friday night. "Did we hear 'Drinking in LA', I don't know but I just thought of that song." I pose the question. Chris thinks we might have heard it a pub we were at on Friday night. He then does this long, bloated story how it was used in a beer advert here, some defunct beer that I can't recall but then of course must Spotify.

'Hi. My name is Stereo Mike.' - is that what that chick says?

Anyway, Branson knows all the words. And I squealed with laughter. He was just mashing some potatoes, singing along as if I wasn't there. I think that song came out when I was in gr. 7 and remember having a boy I had a crush on, he was over at my house after we cheekily went trick or treating. And what was the name of the Canadian band that was similar to Bran Van 3000, or is it just them that I'm thinking of?

How great is streaming music online to alert your nostalgia subconscious? Silly things just keep popping into my head.


Unknown said...

You totally reminded me of neighbour Timpano and I had when we were living together. This guy was ALL about Elton. He would start out by simply turning on the stereo and then slowly but surely it'd get louder and louder until you could hear him rocking out through the wall. He loved his Elton.

just little said...

Hilarious. In my defense, I never crank the volume. I am always conscious of everyone else's appreciation or lack thereof for Elton.