All I really have to say for myself is I am quite excited for this evening. It doesn't involve being fueled on white wine and running around as if my head has been cut off. Tonight, and I intend to stick to my guns, Chris and I are staying. We're ordering Chinese because I keep reading Tre's blog and she keeps talking about 400 spring rolls, which has become my new unattainable fantasy. Unattainable up until tonight.
Chris came up with this expression that fits really well: "You know when I get something in my head I have to eat it,". He loves chocolatey treats like biscuits and kit kats, oh and chocolate covered donuts. I'm much more of a crunchy food craver. I mean I have been picturing myself biting into a spring roll since last Friday. I can hear, smell, taste, and feel the spring roll actually entering my mouth and being chomped down on. And I get like that with chips too. But chips are so easy to come by, my little spring roll friends aren't. Also, I can feel the wooden chopsticks in my fingers and me eating duck chow mein (see above for the variety of sensations that I have).
Now I realise that I am not describing all these sensations with elegance but that's because I'm now so hungry and it's only 12.32pm and I have to wait another 7 hours before my fantasy has been fulfilled. Me, diving into a golden sea of 400 spring rolls and basically eating my way out.
Just picturing that surreal mental image in my head. Don't think it's pervy. I'm just really hungry.
I'm clearly an idiot. I'm absolutely famished right now. (Think eat your own arm hungry) And I read your post and now I'm craving spring rolls with none in sight. FAAAAAARRRK.
I love that my 400 spring rolls story has inspired your hunger to crave said foot item!
I'm rather jealous, you're getting spring rolls before I get them. Perchance I will head to china town this week just to buy a spring roll. Just one. Or 3 if there is some sort of deal.
Enjoy your night in! Those are our favourite. We are having one tonight. It involves watching Twilight.
Note: FOOD item. Not FOOT item. Yuck!
when I get something in my head, I have to eat it also. chinese food is one of those common things.. :)
I'm glad I've passed the buck and now everything is hurting for a spring roll. I even managed that last night driving through town. I kept talking about our Chinese dinner and instantly my friend craved spring rolls too.
I feel like I've created these little monsters. But it's mostly Tre's fault. She started it!
"It doesn't involve being fueled on white wine and running around as if my head has been cut off."
This made me lolz. I could not have described it better.
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