Friday, 8 May 2009

happy development

In regards to the whole crying/culture/collision, I think I've just had a breakthrough. As I'm growing further and further more helpless in the traditional employment sense, I have a genius husband who has found the ideal literary agent for me. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't publicise this as who knows what exactly will come to fruition, but it will also press me to keep my June deadline and submit this beast that I've been working on since November.

And I'm obsessed with statistics. For instance, the Word stats they give you on how many edits, how many minutes spent, how many words, paragraphs, even characters. I was calculating that all today (it's just a little form of procrastination I do, you know, to let my words percolate). Apparently I click save every 5 minutes; I have been working on this for over 45 hours. I've been hovering on 22-27,000 words this past month but I've finally found something to move shit along!

Thankfully I have Spotify to get me through these languid afternoons, and with that an entire new repertoire of music which brings me ultimately to the reason I decided to break from writing (ironic...but then again, this is a friendly distraction....with words percolating as I type). I've been listening to classical music for the past 3 days straight, hoping it will help sort out my meanderings from my helpful musings. Partially helpful yes, but the most pleasant thing just happened. I'm listening to Bach and two tears bubbled up and I let myself get slightly carried away by the music. Incredible thus proving further that I am some sort of audio-visual crier (do two tears count as crying?).

I sincerely hope it's the music and not some sort of physiological response to my writing. This process is strangling me, but I respond well to deadlines and I'm now literally sprinting. And crying. Maybe just tearing.

1 comment:

L. said...

what are you working on?