I received a lovely email from my friend Pippa last night during the euphoric state I was in after seeing Animal Collective. She commented that I've been rather m.i.a. from the internet. This email was sent via her new iphone. Fair enough my friend!
It's hugely in part to the fact that London has actually had amazing weather the past few weeks. Yes, the occasional monsoon has fallen at night but during the day it's been warm, sunny and lovely. A horror of horrors, my legs have some semblance of a tan. I type this as a large rain cloud looms over London Fields where I was hoping to lay down and read a book on my day off. Might have to wait it out. These past few weeks haven't been particularly turbulent rather radically fun. Just blame it on the weather. This week, Chris and I took our leftover pizza, freshly made salad and went to sit in the park with beers. Dreamy Wednesday night, especially when a cricket match was taking place. And I know I keep banging on about this to Chris, and probably to everyone in general, but I love where we live. We've just renewed our contract for the 3rd year, and even though moving is a pain, I simply wouldn't want to. This might be a premature but I doubt we would ever leave this flat until we buy. And our first purchase will definitely be in this area. But that's not a few years now.
It's really wonderful feeling that everything is mostly back on track. Before it felt a bit like dancing on hot coals, not knowing exactly where you can land and for how long.
Ok, I've probably jinxed myself now.
i don't know if this is a weird comment but i'm going to make it anyways.
i love your posts because they reflect, hmm, not sure how to make this sound how i mean, but they reflect (to me anyways) someone that went for what they wanted. and has the life they wanted. it worked. and it's good. ups and downs. good. all around.
maybe it's my mid-twenties crisis kicking in, or my pms, either way. it makes me happy to see that others are getting what they should, and on track in life.
sorry that was long winded.
not long winded at all! But was it cryptic?
Are you not feeling on track with life?
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