Friday, 18 December 2009


I'm now under the strict advocation of job interviews including a two drink minimum. This will in future prevent me from floating out of my body, staring down at myself, listening to myself, thinking to myself to just stop talking. Loquacious yes but not such a formidable quality evidently. Ummm, we shall see.

Last night I had a dream that I only remembered once on the bus ride home today. I dreamt I was playing poker and my opponents were trying to figure out my tell only I had never had to bluff therefore did not have one. I was prompted by this because of my emotional tells, I'm clearly becoming worse and worse disguising these in public. Stoicism hasn't been my strong suit this 2009. I blame age.

My manager at work last night however dreamt about scissors. And today, when someone's scissors went missing from their desk, she opened her top drawer saying, 'oh I took those yesterday'. Realised that they weren't in her top drawer. Then realised it was all just a dream.

Work. Dreams. Scissors. Call me mildly pessimistic but that sounds about right.

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