Maybe, just maybe I'm a bit cranky. I think my mood is dictated depending on the type of bus journey I have. In the mornings, if the bus is full and full of wankers (such was the case yesterday!!) I have a bad day. It puts me in a real foul frame of mind which is hard to shake for the rest of the day, then it's compounded by the thought that everyone else around me at work is grumpy.
Today the bus journey was great going into work, amazingly, and for some strange London reason which I haven't quite figured out yet, it wasn't busy at all today (can someone explain the fluxuation of people on buses per day and why there is such a wide varience?). Coming home tonight though, my personal space was supremely invaded.
Now I understand that when I'm standing up, ultimately my bits are going to be smacked, groped, felt up, brushed against, or blatently pinched. There are far too many people on the 38 bus in the morning for there not to be (unless it's an anomoly day such as today and other days at other times...) but when I'm sitting, I'd like to think that I'm not the girl that you can basically use at a bloody chair. I was on the aisle and some girl came and planted her bum on the edge of my seat and lent her back up against me while she talked about what a banging tune that was innit...(p.s. FUCK OFF! with your stupid mobile phones, it's a piece of plastic that transmits signals who gives a shit!!). But then her friend said "If I go flying, your hair is coming wit me" which made me slightly smirk (I had a visual and a moment of "please take her hair with her, let her stop leaning against me!").
Oh also, I think some people are put on the bus to test my gag relfex. At 8:15am when bits are being blah blah blahed, I don't want anyone to: (these, as you may have guessed have already happened...)
a) cough down my neck
b) be sitting across from me when I'm wearing a skirt and look at my crotch only to have your wife elbow you then start to lecture you (I'm a 38 bus whore evidently, not by choice mind)
c) snore (fuck off, you're just as bad as mobile phones and UK garage)
d) mucus snort what have you, this is the worst
e) take that back! Picking your nose. I had to close my eyes. Really tight. Fucking repulsive.
Am I no longer a pleasant person.
Life in PR week 5.
Thursday, 31 May 2007
Tuesday, 29 May 2007
882 am in Wales. It played this gem. It was the highlight of the car journey. I still remember all the words!
And to think Christopher wanted to listen to the cricket. Bah!
And to think Christopher wanted to listen to the cricket. Bah!
I went to Wales.
Chris' parents have a cottage there right by the sea. It was lovely. That was my bank holiday weekend. Driving to Wales. Eating far too many sweets on the way back. Listening to Christopher snore. Getting a bit bashed with lover boy and his parents when we went out for dinner. Not understanding a word of Welsh (it sounds like backwards english mixed with Russian to me). Can you Llangurig? Neither can I. Here are some key photos.
Also I have a job where I'm being paid now. I'm a junior publicist or at least I believe that's my title. I want to go back to Wales soon though. So many sheep and cows on the way there. I ate fish for dinner however. Also that sign that says Leominster, my dad's name is Leo and I thought it was funny. It took me about 20 attempts to get the sign however. Christopher got angry with me at one point because I wasn't reading directions but trying to take a photo of that bloody sign, that let me add, is all over the place in Wales and an hour into England. This Leominster is a strange place. And can you pronounce? I bet you can't (if you're not english and/or welsh).

Chris' parents have a cottage there right by the sea. It was lovely. That was my bank holiday weekend. Driving to Wales. Eating far too many sweets on the way back. Listening to Christopher snore. Getting a bit bashed with lover boy and his parents when we went out for dinner. Not understanding a word of Welsh (it sounds like backwards english mixed with Russian to me). Can you Llangurig? Neither can I. Here are some key photos.
Also I have a job where I'm being paid now. I'm a junior publicist or at least I believe that's my title. I want to go back to Wales soon though. So many sheep and cows on the way there. I ate fish for dinner however. Also that sign that says Leominster, my dad's name is Leo and I thought it was funny. It took me about 20 attempts to get the sign however. Christopher got angry with me at one point because I wasn't reading directions but trying to take a photo of that bloody sign, that let me add, is all over the place in Wales and an hour into England. This Leominster is a strange place. And can you pronounce? I bet you can't (if you're not english and/or welsh).
Wednesday, 23 May 2007
bed time snack
I was up at 5:00am today and worked until around 4:30ish. I'm so tired.
But I've also done the impossible.
More details to follow...
But I've also done the impossible.
More details to follow...
Tuesday, 22 May 2007
I have to wake up at 5:00am again since Stevie and I didn't have office keys. My tummy is a bit queasy still and I had the day off to get better.
Since I'm bored and need to get myself to sleep here is a quiz:
1 - When was the last time you cried? Watching Everything is Illuminated with Chris on Sunday
2 - Have you ever faked sick? I was amazing. I used to keep a cup in the bathroom filled with water and make the pretend vommit noise whilst spilling water into the toilet. I was 12 and didn't feel like going to school.
3 - What was the last lie you said? no idea...
4 - Have you ever cried during a movie? quite frequently yes.
5 - Who was the last person you couldn't take your eyes off of? no idea...Chris has a severe cold right now. not sexy.
6 - Have you ever danced in the rain? doubtful
7 - Have you ever been drunk? yes. moving on.
8 - Have you ever tried tried drugs? certain drug yes. drugs plural no.
9 - Do you smoke? socially sometimes. I do not have an addiction.
10 - What's the farthest you've ever gone on a dare? probably something stupid during a truth or dare drinking game.
11 - What is your full name? Tova S. T.
12 - What is your blood-type? I think it's O+ (maybe??)
13 - Have you ever been in a car accident? a small one
14 - How old were you when you recieved your first kiss? I was 8. His name was Terry. I brought in the Jungle Book for us to watch at arts camp. He was in love. I wasn't feeling it and hid under a desk.
15 - Who was your first kiss? not Terry.
16 - Have you ever had an online relationship? hahahahahahahahaha (sort of yes...I can explain in full to anyone who needs to know).
17 - Have you ever had phone-sex? I refuse to answer this question!!
18 - Have you ever been rejected by a crush? yes
19 - What is your favorite sport to play? tennis and ski
20 - Have you ever made a prank phone call? yes and I felt horribley guilty.
21 - Have you ever said Ever said what? what?
22 - What's your favorite childhood memory? lots. some are captured on home video.
23 - Is there anything that you have done that you regret? one major thing yes.
24 - What do you want to be when you grow up? I think I'm getting there slowly.
25 - What is your political persuassion unpolitical
26 - Have you ever had cybersex? ironically no (but I would prefer not to answer any sexy questions...)
27 - Do you believe in g-d? not g-d no.
28 - Do you believe in love at first sight? Not for me no.
29 - Do you believe in karma? absolutely.
30 - Who was your first crush? Rohan Hill. We were 4. We were neighbours. He was taken.
31 - Who do you have a crush on? Alan Pardew. Gorgeous silver fox
32 - How would you describe yourself? little.
33 - What are you afraid of? failure
34 - Are you religious? nope
35 - What does your screen name mean? my name.
36 - What person do you trust the most? Christopher. Most of the time! (he can sometimes spill the beans)
37 - Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend? proper one was Grant.
38 - What is the best compliment you have ever recieved? too embarrassed to remember however anything that isn't borderline sexual harrassment is always nice.
39 - What is the meanest thing anyone has said about you? called me a bitch? I don't have a clue what people say about me.
40 - What is the longest crush/relationship you've had? 2 1/2 years
41 - What is your greatest strength? perspective
42 - What is your greatest weakness? can be taken advantage of
43 - What is your perfect pizza? chicken, portabello mushrooms, artichokes, pesto sauce (the napa valley from pizza pizza, I miss that place!!)
44 - What is your first thought when waking up in the morning? "no snores!" and then I elbow Chris.
45 - What is your first thought before you go to bed? I hope the alarm is set.
46 - What college do you want to go to? I've already graduated.
47 - Do you get along with your family? absolutely!!
48 - Do you play any instruments? a bit of piano, a bit of drums
49 - What kind of music do you like? moving on...
50 - Do you think you're attractive? I don't think that I'm ugly
51 - Would you ever get a tattoo? doubtful
52 - How many piercings do you have? zero
53 - Who makes you laugh? lots of people
54 - Who would you want to be tied to for 24hours? someome silent
55 - Have you ever seen a dead body? I don't think so.
56 - Do you have a celebrity crush? I get made fun of for my older men crushes
57 - What is one thing scientists should invent? I'm not clever enough right now.
58 - Have you ever broken a bone? I've broken each arm
59 - What happens after you die? someone holds a funeral for you (hopefully)
60 - Do you watch or read the news? I skim every English national paper everyday at work
61 - What stereotype would you label yourself as being? not a jew face
62 - Would your friends agree with that stereotypic label? maybe they wouldn't get the joke?
63 - If you could change your name, what would you change it to? Mrs. Christopher Branson
64 - If you could go back in time to one point in your life, where would it be? I like where I am right now.
65 - If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change? I would like to change back to my 17 year old figure
66 - Have you ever gone skinny dipping? yes
67 - Have you ever played strip poker? yes
68 - Would you ever lie to someone to make them feel good about themselves? a minor fib
69 - What do you want your friends to think about you? that I'm a trustworthy, kind individual who you can just have fun with but can complain to as well (that was hoaky)
70 - Whats the biggest argument you've ever gotten into? My ex Jay and I arguing over our hypothetical children and whether they would be jewish or christian. It was out of control but funny to think about now.
71 - HAve you ever bitten someone? yes, I was a cruel sister.
72 - When's your birthday? 16th December
73 - Have you ever stolen anything? not exactly
74 - Do you make wishes on shooting stars? I doubt I ever have
75 - Whats the most you've ever eaten in one sitting? who knows anymore!
76 - If you could go back and change one day, what would it be? the day where someone in particular decided to hate me.
77 - Do you remember your dreams? most of them.
78 - Have you ever been in love? yes
79 - Are you a morning person or a night person? night!
80 - Do you have any phobias? loads
81 - What's the meanest thing you've ever done to someone? that's subjective but I don't think I've ever been full on cruel to anyone (at least I hope not).
82 - Have you ever been to the hospital other then birth? yes
83 - How many screen names do you have? I don't know nor care.
84 - Do any medical problems run in your family? yes
85 - Have anyone ever been disowned from your family? hahaha no.
86 - Have you ever had a nightmare? yes
87 - Do you say meaner things to your friends or your enemies? I hope I'm not mean in general
88 - Would you ever participate in a threesome? doubtful
89 - Would you ever pay for a prostitute? hahaha! doubtful
90 - Have you ever mooned or flashed someone? of course
91 - Have you ever cheated on your bf/gf? no
92 - Have you ever laughed so hard you peed in your pants? no
93 - Have you ever written a love letter? a lovely letter yes.
94 - Have you ever attempted suicide? no (this comes after have you ever written a love letter???)
95 - Do you prefer boxers or briefs? I don't care
96 - Have you ever been in a fistfight? no
97 - Do you have any hidden talents? sure
98 - What is one thing you want me to know about you? I have small hands
99 - What is one question you wouldn't want me to ask? no idea
100 - Do you usually prefer books or movies? hahaha. I like them both equally for different reasons.
101 - Who is your favorite person to talk to? Brynn hands down!! but there are lots and lots of others!
102 - Who is always able to cheer you up when you're sad? loads of people.
103 - Would you ever have sex before marriage? oh deary...lolz
104 - Who do you talk to most on the phone? newspapers and magazines
105 - Do you have a secret that you're ashamed of? not really ashamed no.
106 - Do you prefer british or american spelling of words? Canadia/British similar enough! pita=pitta
107 - Have you ever gotten detention? yes once. worse day of my life.
108 - How do you vent your anger? venting to someone then having a laugh.
109 - Have you ever been on a diet? never.
110 - Would you ever date someone younger than you? I have. But I prefer my men in their 50s, seriously!!
111 - Is your best friend a virgin? no but she's still a great person!
112 - What's a rumor someone has spread about you? years ago. who cares now.
113 - What's the kinkiest thing you could ever actually see yourself doing? hahaha. I have no idea.
114 - What's the meanest thing anyone has ever done to you? right now random shitty email is topping the charts.
115 - What's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you? so many great things
116 - Have you ever been diagnosed with a mental illness? it's part of our family code
117 - Have you ever cut yourself on purpose? no
118 - Have you ever wanted to murder someone? this is a rather dark quiz
119 - Have you ever hated someone? yes but I don't care any longer.
120 - Do you prefer talking on the phone or online? phone
121 - Do you consider yourself popular? I consider myself well liked.
122 - Would you ever tell the person you have a crush on that you like them? depends on who.
123 - Have you ever had a crush on an enemy? I don't think i've ever had an enemy.
124 - Have you ever had a crush on a best friend? no
125 - What is your favorite book? A Moveable Feast by Hemmingway.
126 - Do you have a collection of anything? records!
127 - Are you happy with the person you are becoming? yes I think so.
128 - Are you a different person now then you were 5 years ago? not entirely different but certainly wiser.
129 - What do you see yourself as being in 5 years from now? a home owner
130 - Are you happy with the life you have? this is the happiest I have ever been (aside from missing familly and friends at home)
Since I'm bored and need to get myself to sleep here is a quiz:
1 - When was the last time you cried? Watching Everything is Illuminated with Chris on Sunday
2 - Have you ever faked sick? I was amazing. I used to keep a cup in the bathroom filled with water and make the pretend vommit noise whilst spilling water into the toilet. I was 12 and didn't feel like going to school.
3 - What was the last lie you said? no idea...
4 - Have you ever cried during a movie? quite frequently yes.
5 - Who was the last person you couldn't take your eyes off of? no idea...Chris has a severe cold right now. not sexy.
6 - Have you ever danced in the rain? doubtful
7 - Have you ever been drunk? yes. moving on.
8 - Have you ever tried tried drugs? certain drug yes. drugs plural no.
9 - Do you smoke? socially sometimes. I do not have an addiction.
10 - What's the farthest you've ever gone on a dare? probably something stupid during a truth or dare drinking game.
11 - What is your full name? Tova S. T.
12 - What is your blood-type? I think it's O+ (maybe??)
13 - Have you ever been in a car accident? a small one
14 - How old were you when you recieved your first kiss? I was 8. His name was Terry. I brought in the Jungle Book for us to watch at arts camp. He was in love. I wasn't feeling it and hid under a desk.
15 - Who was your first kiss? not Terry.
16 - Have you ever had an online relationship? hahahahahahahahaha (sort of yes...I can explain in full to anyone who needs to know).
17 - Have you ever had phone-sex? I refuse to answer this question!!
18 - Have you ever been rejected by a crush? yes
19 - What is your favorite sport to play? tennis and ski
20 - Have you ever made a prank phone call? yes and I felt horribley guilty.
21 - Have you ever said Ever said what? what?
22 - What's your favorite childhood memory? lots. some are captured on home video.
23 - Is there anything that you have done that you regret? one major thing yes.
24 - What do you want to be when you grow up? I think I'm getting there slowly.
25 - What is your political persuassion unpolitical
26 - Have you ever had cybersex? ironically no (but I would prefer not to answer any sexy questions...)
27 - Do you believe in g-d? not g-d no.
28 - Do you believe in love at first sight? Not for me no.
29 - Do you believe in karma? absolutely.
30 - Who was your first crush? Rohan Hill. We were 4. We were neighbours. He was taken.
31 - Who do you have a crush on? Alan Pardew. Gorgeous silver fox
32 - How would you describe yourself? little.
33 - What are you afraid of? failure
34 - Are you religious? nope
35 - What does your screen name mean? my name.
36 - What person do you trust the most? Christopher. Most of the time! (he can sometimes spill the beans)
37 - Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend? proper one was Grant.
38 - What is the best compliment you have ever recieved? too embarrassed to remember however anything that isn't borderline sexual harrassment is always nice.
39 - What is the meanest thing anyone has said about you? called me a bitch? I don't have a clue what people say about me.
40 - What is the longest crush/relationship you've had? 2 1/2 years
41 - What is your greatest strength? perspective
42 - What is your greatest weakness? can be taken advantage of
43 - What is your perfect pizza? chicken, portabello mushrooms, artichokes, pesto sauce (the napa valley from pizza pizza, I miss that place!!)
44 - What is your first thought when waking up in the morning? "no snores!" and then I elbow Chris.
45 - What is your first thought before you go to bed? I hope the alarm is set.
46 - What college do you want to go to? I've already graduated.
47 - Do you get along with your family? absolutely!!
48 - Do you play any instruments? a bit of piano, a bit of drums
49 - What kind of music do you like? moving on...
50 - Do you think you're attractive? I don't think that I'm ugly
51 - Would you ever get a tattoo? doubtful
52 - How many piercings do you have? zero
53 - Who makes you laugh? lots of people
54 - Who would you want to be tied to for 24hours? someome silent
55 - Have you ever seen a dead body? I don't think so.
56 - Do you have a celebrity crush? I get made fun of for my older men crushes
57 - What is one thing scientists should invent? I'm not clever enough right now.
58 - Have you ever broken a bone? I've broken each arm
59 - What happens after you die? someone holds a funeral for you (hopefully)
60 - Do you watch or read the news? I skim every English national paper everyday at work
61 - What stereotype would you label yourself as being? not a jew face
62 - Would your friends agree with that stereotypic label? maybe they wouldn't get the joke?
63 - If you could change your name, what would you change it to? Mrs. Christopher Branson
64 - If you could go back in time to one point in your life, where would it be? I like where I am right now.
65 - If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change? I would like to change back to my 17 year old figure
66 - Have you ever gone skinny dipping? yes
67 - Have you ever played strip poker? yes
68 - Would you ever lie to someone to make them feel good about themselves? a minor fib
69 - What do you want your friends to think about you? that I'm a trustworthy, kind individual who you can just have fun with but can complain to as well (that was hoaky)
70 - Whats the biggest argument you've ever gotten into? My ex Jay and I arguing over our hypothetical children and whether they would be jewish or christian. It was out of control but funny to think about now.
71 - HAve you ever bitten someone? yes, I was a cruel sister.
72 - When's your birthday? 16th December
73 - Have you ever stolen anything? not exactly
74 - Do you make wishes on shooting stars? I doubt I ever have
75 - Whats the most you've ever eaten in one sitting? who knows anymore!
76 - If you could go back and change one day, what would it be? the day where someone in particular decided to hate me.
77 - Do you remember your dreams? most of them.
78 - Have you ever been in love? yes
79 - Are you a morning person or a night person? night!
80 - Do you have any phobias? loads
81 - What's the meanest thing you've ever done to someone? that's subjective but I don't think I've ever been full on cruel to anyone (at least I hope not).
82 - Have you ever been to the hospital other then birth? yes
83 - How many screen names do you have? I don't know nor care.
84 - Do any medical problems run in your family? yes
85 - Have anyone ever been disowned from your family? hahaha no.
86 - Have you ever had a nightmare? yes
87 - Do you say meaner things to your friends or your enemies? I hope I'm not mean in general
88 - Would you ever participate in a threesome? doubtful
89 - Would you ever pay for a prostitute? hahaha! doubtful
90 - Have you ever mooned or flashed someone? of course
91 - Have you ever cheated on your bf/gf? no
92 - Have you ever laughed so hard you peed in your pants? no
93 - Have you ever written a love letter? a lovely letter yes.
94 - Have you ever attempted suicide? no (this comes after have you ever written a love letter???)
95 - Do you prefer boxers or briefs? I don't care
96 - Have you ever been in a fistfight? no
97 - Do you have any hidden talents? sure
98 - What is one thing you want me to know about you? I have small hands
99 - What is one question you wouldn't want me to ask? no idea
100 - Do you usually prefer books or movies? hahaha. I like them both equally for different reasons.
101 - Who is your favorite person to talk to? Brynn hands down!! but there are lots and lots of others!
102 - Who is always able to cheer you up when you're sad? loads of people.
103 - Would you ever have sex before marriage? oh deary...lolz
104 - Who do you talk to most on the phone? newspapers and magazines
105 - Do you have a secret that you're ashamed of? not really ashamed no.
106 - Do you prefer british or american spelling of words? Canadia/British similar enough! pita=pitta
107 - Have you ever gotten detention? yes once. worse day of my life.
108 - How do you vent your anger? venting to someone then having a laugh.
109 - Have you ever been on a diet? never.
110 - Would you ever date someone younger than you? I have. But I prefer my men in their 50s, seriously!!
111 - Is your best friend a virgin? no but she's still a great person!
112 - What's a rumor someone has spread about you? years ago. who cares now.
113 - What's the kinkiest thing you could ever actually see yourself doing? hahaha. I have no idea.
114 - What's the meanest thing anyone has ever done to you? right now random shitty email is topping the charts.
115 - What's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you? so many great things
116 - Have you ever been diagnosed with a mental illness? it's part of our family code
117 - Have you ever cut yourself on purpose? no
118 - Have you ever wanted to murder someone? this is a rather dark quiz
119 - Have you ever hated someone? yes but I don't care any longer.
120 - Do you prefer talking on the phone or online? phone
121 - Do you consider yourself popular? I consider myself well liked.
122 - Would you ever tell the person you have a crush on that you like them? depends on who.
123 - Have you ever had a crush on an enemy? I don't think i've ever had an enemy.
124 - Have you ever had a crush on a best friend? no
125 - What is your favorite book? A Moveable Feast by Hemmingway.
126 - Do you have a collection of anything? records!
127 - Are you happy with the person you are becoming? yes I think so.
128 - Are you a different person now then you were 5 years ago? not entirely different but certainly wiser.
129 - What do you see yourself as being in 5 years from now? a home owner
130 - Are you happy with the life you have? this is the happiest I have ever been (aside from missing familly and friends at home)
Monday, 21 May 2007
a little bit better
In my 22 and half years in this life, I haven't been riddled with this problem before, the upset tummy problem and I'm praying it's not old age which is causing this and that it's greasy bacon and two and a half mid afternoon pints that makes me want to curl into the fetal position and wish I wasn't born yet.
I at least feel better, and felt better enough to take the 1 hour tube journey to Heathrow to see my dad and Ellaine before they return to Canada after being on a cruise for two weeks. It was nice to see my father and make fun of him briefly. That's usually what family gatherings consist of.
This week, I hope to see Dave Eggers speak at ICA. And this weekend I'm going with Chris and his parents to Wales since it's a bank hoiday. They have a cottage there by the sea and I've yet to go so I'm rather looking forward to that. However work this work is going to be a long one because of the early rise on Tuesday morning. I might be out of commission until Thursday when I return to a normalish sleep schedule.
And speaking of which, I have to go to bed now.
I at least feel better, and felt better enough to take the 1 hour tube journey to Heathrow to see my dad and Ellaine before they return to Canada after being on a cruise for two weeks. It was nice to see my father and make fun of him briefly. That's usually what family gatherings consist of.
This week, I hope to see Dave Eggers speak at ICA. And this weekend I'm going with Chris and his parents to Wales since it's a bank hoiday. They have a cottage there by the sea and I've yet to go so I'm rather looking forward to that. However work this work is going to be a long one because of the early rise on Tuesday morning. I might be out of commission until Thursday when I return to a normalish sleep schedule.
And speaking of which, I have to go to bed now.
Saturday, 19 May 2007
very, very bad
F***ing hell.
Guess who is riddled with food poisoning agian...or assuming it's food poisoning?
Yeah me.
Full english breakfast at the pub earlier followed by a pint and a half. I'm hot with a fever and hate everyone. I went to watch one of my dvds but of course it's been stolen by a sibling who rooted through my neatly packed things. However had I done this to them, I would never hear the end of it.
I am not taking this lying down (even though I am, curled up in a ball of PAIN).
This is me angry. I'm typing really hard on to the keyboard. I feel slightly better doing so.
It could just be greasy food that caused this problem. But seriously...twice in three weeks?
I feel so old.
Guess who is riddled with food poisoning agian...or assuming it's food poisoning?
Yeah me.
Full english breakfast at the pub earlier followed by a pint and a half. I'm hot with a fever and hate everyone. I went to watch one of my dvds but of course it's been stolen by a sibling who rooted through my neatly packed things. However had I done this to them, I would never hear the end of it.
I am not taking this lying down (even though I am, curled up in a ball of PAIN).
This is me angry. I'm typing really hard on to the keyboard. I feel slightly better doing so.
It could just be greasy food that caused this problem. But seriously...twice in three weeks?
I feel so old.
Chris is already at the pub and it's 11:45am here. I'm not lying in bed wondering if it's worth me taking a shower yet because all we're going to do is sit in the pub until around 5:00pm after the FA cup has finished.
So not showering. So typical.
So not showering. So typical.
Blame Chris for the bellow post. I was drunk in bed at 11:00pm Thursday night and asked him to hand me the computer when he went downstairs to speak to Alex. I came up with that. Even I think that I'm a twat.
Today is the big day. The FA Cup finals plus test cricket happening all day i.e. it's Chris big day and I'm along for the ride. However, I'm a convert, cricket is brilliant. A bit dull at points but can be spoken about with such enthusiasm. As we were walking home from dinner after work, Chris kept yammering on about how exciting it is, with I think 4 English players hitting centuries and blah blah blah, "it's such a slow sport, it's so British" he said. He's so British and it's so British and I'm being subjected to it all day long and I'm ok with that.
Canadians and Brits are quite similar, more so than Canadians and Americans (well at least our outlooks, in my personal opinion, Brits have a similar sort of arrogance to Americans, but a better kind, not that I don't like Americans, they're great minus the idiotic kind who don't know if they've crossed the border and need to use "funny money"). Or maybe it's because I'm slowly assimilating and by slowly I suppose it's rather rapid, but ultimately survival of the fittest.
But of course, Chris and I just had our continental clash over personal hygiene. He wanted to go and take a shower, however our towels are in the wash and still wet. But we have one that's clean and dry and he grabbed but I asked "what am I going to use?" and he was almost too quick to drop the thing and say "you go ahead, I won't take a shower". He's gone to take a quick splash.
Is this highly irrelevant? I don't mean solely that anecdote but this whole post in general. I think when you spend a long amount of time away from home and make a new niche for yourself when you truly feel comfortable then the differences and clashes between how you're socialized and everyone else because obvious but unimportant.
This is the longest I've ever been away from home at one time as I've now been here for 8 months. So it's safe to assume it's no longer a novelty but I'm excited and appreciative every day that I'm here.
And I might have some big news to announce...but I'm not going to speak too soon.
I don't like cricket. I love it.
Today is the big day. The FA Cup finals plus test cricket happening all day i.e. it's Chris big day and I'm along for the ride. However, I'm a convert, cricket is brilliant. A bit dull at points but can be spoken about with such enthusiasm. As we were walking home from dinner after work, Chris kept yammering on about how exciting it is, with I think 4 English players hitting centuries and blah blah blah, "it's such a slow sport, it's so British" he said. He's so British and it's so British and I'm being subjected to it all day long and I'm ok with that.
Canadians and Brits are quite similar, more so than Canadians and Americans (well at least our outlooks, in my personal opinion, Brits have a similar sort of arrogance to Americans, but a better kind, not that I don't like Americans, they're great minus the idiotic kind who don't know if they've crossed the border and need to use "funny money"). Or maybe it's because I'm slowly assimilating and by slowly I suppose it's rather rapid, but ultimately survival of the fittest.
But of course, Chris and I just had our continental clash over personal hygiene. He wanted to go and take a shower, however our towels are in the wash and still wet. But we have one that's clean and dry and he grabbed but I asked "what am I going to use?" and he was almost too quick to drop the thing and say "you go ahead, I won't take a shower". He's gone to take a quick splash.
Is this highly irrelevant? I don't mean solely that anecdote but this whole post in general. I think when you spend a long amount of time away from home and make a new niche for yourself when you truly feel comfortable then the differences and clashes between how you're socialized and everyone else because obvious but unimportant.
This is the longest I've ever been away from home at one time as I've now been here for 8 months. So it's safe to assume it's no longer a novelty but I'm excited and appreciative every day that I'm here.
And I might have some big news to announce...but I'm not going to speak too soon.
I don't like cricket. I love it.
Thursday, 17 May 2007
best before
Honestly, I'm the luckiest girl. I have the most fantastic life and I couldn't be more thrilled.
I just played at Emirates Stadium, home of Arsenal football club in London. I'm doing work experience. I just played on Arsenal's pitch. I'm extremely lucky. I've had a lot of free drinks...
The little Canadian girl who could...
I just played at Emirates Stadium, home of Arsenal football club in London. I'm doing work experience. I just played on Arsenal's pitch. I'm extremely lucky. I've had a lot of free drinks...
The little Canadian girl who could...
Monday, 14 May 2007
sausage and mash
I'll be food themed from now on.
Chris is preparing dinner. I'm lurking through facebook.
I'm tired. He played Football Manager for three hours this morning.
Am I being fair or cruel?
By the way, want to know a shit activity? Putting stamps on 160 envelopes that only print two stamps every minute. It takes over an hour and a half at the busy post office. Thankfully I wasn't alone in my lackey pain, there were two non lackies to lend their support and fuel the frustration.
We're almost done Twin Peaks Then we have to find the second half of Entourage on the net.
I'm so dull aren't I?
Chris is preparing dinner. I'm lurking through facebook.
I'm tired. He played Football Manager for three hours this morning.
Am I being fair or cruel?
By the way, want to know a shit activity? Putting stamps on 160 envelopes that only print two stamps every minute. It takes over an hour and a half at the busy post office. Thankfully I wasn't alone in my lackey pain, there were two non lackies to lend their support and fuel the frustration.
We're almost done Twin Peaks Then we have to find the second half of Entourage on the net.
I'm so dull aren't I?
Sunday, 13 May 2007
I like my Sunday evening epiphanies.
I was just speaking to my friend from home Tom who became my close friend because he lived with my exboyfriend. And we haven't spoken very often since he moved to Toronto I guess two years now. And during what I refer to as the 3 Unit days, or the 329 days, we all had a fantastic time however we were all moderately transitional even though it could have lasted a lot longer than a year.
Here's a classic Tom anecdote.
It's around 1:00am on a Thursday night in the summer, and we're sitting in the kitchen. I'm sure we had been drinking since around 7pm as is the case for the summer and for some reason we start discussing early ninties songs however Tom, my ESL Polish (i.e. czech) friend was so drunk he couldn't differentiate between eary and nineties hence the birth of "earlies nineties" music. Basically when i broke into MC Hammer's Can't Touch This, all bets were off and hysterics came out in full force. Mr Vain. Amazing!
So the plan during all this time of course was that once I completed university, in one way or another I was going to move to London. But that of course was on the back burnber because I had a boyfriend, and I still had two years of school to go.
So Tom had to leave our MSN conversation to catch a flight to NYC for work and I said tha I was jealous and he said "c'mon, you're in London". And then I thought, I am.
I said it and I did it. Sometimes I need a reminder of that because I forget.
I miss Tom Tom though.
I was just speaking to my friend from home Tom who became my close friend because he lived with my exboyfriend. And we haven't spoken very often since he moved to Toronto I guess two years now. And during what I refer to as the 3 Unit days, or the 329 days, we all had a fantastic time however we were all moderately transitional even though it could have lasted a lot longer than a year.
Here's a classic Tom anecdote.
It's around 1:00am on a Thursday night in the summer, and we're sitting in the kitchen. I'm sure we had been drinking since around 7pm as is the case for the summer and for some reason we start discussing early ninties songs however Tom, my ESL Polish (i.e. czech) friend was so drunk he couldn't differentiate between eary and nineties hence the birth of "earlies nineties" music. Basically when i broke into MC Hammer's Can't Touch This, all bets were off and hysterics came out in full force. Mr Vain. Amazing!
So the plan during all this time of course was that once I completed university, in one way or another I was going to move to London. But that of course was on the back burnber because I had a boyfriend, and I still had two years of school to go.
So Tom had to leave our MSN conversation to catch a flight to NYC for work and I said tha I was jealous and he said "c'mon, you're in London". And then I thought, I am.
I said it and I did it. Sometimes I need a reminder of that because I forget.
I miss Tom Tom though.
the bees knees
Suzy just popped in to ask me to click send on an email then ran out the door.
Tet is in Glasgow for an inerview for uni.
Hazel is back in Brum to see James.
Chris is eating cereal in his underwear.
I'm lying in bed with my pjs on.
It's 11:21am on a Sunday and now you know where my housemates are.
But the point was to show how extremely busy we all are right now (minus Chris because he isn't employed curretly and no I'm not taking a piss but am a bit annoyed with him because he bought Football Manager and now he won't want to leave the house and will play for hours on end whilst everyone else is slaving away).
My work is going very well and I was asked to stay another two weeks and given my own email address. Have I arrived? But what's really remarkable is that I take the 38 bus from Angel to New Bond st. where our office is located and I have to go through Picadilly circus which is slightly a pain because of traffic, but ultimately is a daily reminder of how lucky I am to be here. And how lucky I am to know the people that I know because really, had I met awful people I'm sure I'd be home now.
As for working in PR, it's something that I hadn't fully thought about it, but am very much enjoying and learning so much everyday. I still need to work on my confidence for certain things because there was a bit a minor situation that Stevie handled very impressively but I would have crumbled under the pressure but I suppose she has far more experience. I suppose I shall have to learn to manipulate the truth (not lie per se) and basically in PR you blame everyone else around you for the problems, nothing is ever you fault. I'd like to think that I accept responsability when I do something wrong (do I? I really do believe that I do) so this will be an interesting skill for me to obtain.
But because I go to bed at 11 and wake up at 7 everyday, the mundane bits of life have really sort of remained that when usually that's when the exciting stuff happens. But because I've been talking all day I can't think of anything else interesting to say at night, so we usually watch a movie in our pjs and go to sleep. However Friday Chris and I braved the rain and the cold (and what gives with the weather here? Bloody England!) and met up with his friends from Oxford who live here in London and went out to an indie night and had a great time! The music was quite mediocre and the djs were trying far too heard and would most likely be very successful somewhere like, oh I don't know, Russia but here in London you need to be a bit more cutting edge, and less unattractive. Is that harsh? Not really because if you saw the two, in their matching outfits and dance moves circa 98s last rave because most people were on a come down from taking their last ever E, then you would agree too.
And as for me? Today consists of watching a dvd then heading down to the pub and watching some football. Or maybe staying here whilst Chris goes. I haven't fully decided but I believe that I will wash the bathrooms today because it's been a while and I don't want them turning orange again.
Tet is in Glasgow for an inerview for uni.
Hazel is back in Brum to see James.
Chris is eating cereal in his underwear.
I'm lying in bed with my pjs on.
It's 11:21am on a Sunday and now you know where my housemates are.
But the point was to show how extremely busy we all are right now (minus Chris because he isn't employed curretly and no I'm not taking a piss but am a bit annoyed with him because he bought Football Manager and now he won't want to leave the house and will play for hours on end whilst everyone else is slaving away).
My work is going very well and I was asked to stay another two weeks and given my own email address. Have I arrived? But what's really remarkable is that I take the 38 bus from Angel to New Bond st. where our office is located and I have to go through Picadilly circus which is slightly a pain because of traffic, but ultimately is a daily reminder of how lucky I am to be here. And how lucky I am to know the people that I know because really, had I met awful people I'm sure I'd be home now.
As for working in PR, it's something that I hadn't fully thought about it, but am very much enjoying and learning so much everyday. I still need to work on my confidence for certain things because there was a bit a minor situation that Stevie handled very impressively but I would have crumbled under the pressure but I suppose she has far more experience. I suppose I shall have to learn to manipulate the truth (not lie per se) and basically in PR you blame everyone else around you for the problems, nothing is ever you fault. I'd like to think that I accept responsability when I do something wrong (do I? I really do believe that I do) so this will be an interesting skill for me to obtain.
But because I go to bed at 11 and wake up at 7 everyday, the mundane bits of life have really sort of remained that when usually that's when the exciting stuff happens. But because I've been talking all day I can't think of anything else interesting to say at night, so we usually watch a movie in our pjs and go to sleep. However Friday Chris and I braved the rain and the cold (and what gives with the weather here? Bloody England!) and met up with his friends from Oxford who live here in London and went out to an indie night and had a great time! The music was quite mediocre and the djs were trying far too heard and would most likely be very successful somewhere like, oh I don't know, Russia but here in London you need to be a bit more cutting edge, and less unattractive. Is that harsh? Not really because if you saw the two, in their matching outfits and dance moves circa 98s last rave because most people were on a come down from taking their last ever E, then you would agree too.
And as for me? Today consists of watching a dvd then heading down to the pub and watching some football. Or maybe staying here whilst Chris goes. I haven't fully decided but I believe that I will wash the bathrooms today because it's been a while and I don't want them turning orange again.
Tuesday, 8 May 2007
ice cream and pie
Whatever Christopher wants, Christopher gets. Except in this instance where he's been nagging for me to go and buy ice cream to go with the pie he bought. Frankly it's cold outside and no one else will want it except him, and there's hardly any room in the freezer, but ultimately, I'm tired and don't feel like lacing up my winkle pickers.
I'm such a spoil sport.
And Pete is happy with his honourable mention. I suppose that's another one. Too bad nothing interesting happens in my life anymore. The 9-6 world is a dull distopia I guess. (not really but I don't know what I'm allowed to talk about and what I'm not allowed to talk about).
All I know is that I shouldn't have bought control top panty hose. They're grinding into me and it's rather uncomfortable and not to mention, extremely unslightly (under my clothes, on top my tummy is nearly flat).
And this Friday is looking like it could be Big Sexy Land. Anyone want to get invovled?
I'm such a spoil sport.
And Pete is happy with his honourable mention. I suppose that's another one. Too bad nothing interesting happens in my life anymore. The 9-6 world is a dull distopia I guess. (not really but I don't know what I'm allowed to talk about and what I'm not allowed to talk about).
All I know is that I shouldn't have bought control top panty hose. They're grinding into me and it's rather uncomfortable and not to mention, extremely unslightly (under my clothes, on top my tummy is nearly flat).
And this Friday is looking like it could be Big Sexy Land. Anyone want to get invovled?
Sunday, 6 May 2007
mystery solved...
And the Todd 93 guy turned out to be Chris' friend Pete.
bah ha ha! bloody typical. I want to find one person who doesn't like Chris.
bah ha ha! bloody typical. I want to find one person who doesn't like Chris.
much better
No longer infected with food poisoning but quite tired from working. See what happens when you take 7 months off work, you do one week and you're exhausted. But I actually really like it. The office has been very chaotic this week but the time goes by so much faster when you're filled with things to do. I am trying to fulfill fulltime employment there. Hopefully that will pan out but I'm not going to be overly presumptuous, especially now, but I'm trying to be as keen as possible.
And in other news, Chris has met the Leo a.k.a. my dad. And seeing as my dad is the least frightening person in the world, it went very well. Both Chris and Leo are quite shy but still the conversation never got to that awkward point where you don't know what to say next to the parent that lives across the pond but I'm sure my dad will report back to the Anja a.k.a. my mother that he's a wonderful boy and that he's exceptionally wonderful to me. My dad and Ellaine (his partner? I have no idea how to refer to her...divorced parents lead to complicated titles) are heading over to Angel right now from Notting Hill to see our house and take us out for lunch. And another thing! All my dvds are now here in England minus about five that my sister stole that will lead to me write a strongly worded facebook wall post.
So over all, work is great, dad likes Chris, room is tidy and I'm hungry!
And in other news, Chris has met the Leo a.k.a. my dad. And seeing as my dad is the least frightening person in the world, it went very well. Both Chris and Leo are quite shy but still the conversation never got to that awkward point where you don't know what to say next to the parent that lives across the pond but I'm sure my dad will report back to the Anja a.k.a. my mother that he's a wonderful boy and that he's exceptionally wonderful to me. My dad and Ellaine (his partner? I have no idea how to refer to her...divorced parents lead to complicated titles) are heading over to Angel right now from Notting Hill to see our house and take us out for lunch. And another thing! All my dvds are now here in England minus about five that my sister stole that will lead to me write a strongly worded facebook wall post.
So over all, work is great, dad likes Chris, room is tidy and I'm hungry!
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