Yes. It hasn't been off to a fantastic start. I'm sort of reliving hysteric episodes I had when I was 16 and moody. Monday night, I thought I might actually kill Chris from his snoring. I saw myself first ripping out his tongue that suffocating him with a pillow. This was 1.30am. This then prompted me to storm into our livingroom, shuffle for extra blankets and try to sleep in there.
Huge problem. I'm now conditioned to sleep with the sound of a fan. Problem solved. Fan over the oven. That's delightful. It then has this metallic shuffle, like bolts too loose rubbing against each other. Plus it's raining outside and it's hitting the grate on our Juliet balcony. Oh dear. Bloody pressure raising to the point of homicidal acts without thoughts of repercussions. Instead I creep back into the other room and endure the snoring whilst clutching my pillow.
On Sunday I caught myself having a conversation with my dad about Rohypnol. Don't want to get into the whole thing because I promise it's not a huge deal, but I mentioned a story pertaining to me, and realised that I shouldn't take about my experiences with Roofies with my father. And a few days prior we were talking about pot and I mentioned that no one smokes pot here in London really, just snorts lots of cocaine, which prompted concern from my father. Why do I keep talking to him about this shit? I think some red flags have been raised for poor Leo because he's very keen for me to come home for a visit now. I've accidentally open a can of worms. But I suppose on the phone I'm very forthcoming with information.
Last night, still reeling from the fact (sad as it is) that I can't play Sims 3 on our Mac because we don't have Leopard, I fired up my old pc laptop which I haven't used in about a year to play the original game. I don't have patience for systems that were designed to run pre-2006. Tedious but eventually sweetly satisfying (a very long eventual).
But to complete my whingeing, Chris made his amazing salsa last night and I ate half a bag of nachos.
Now to get through Hump Day.
Oh poop! He snores! That can be tricky. eeee!
I guess we shall never have a sleepover ever -- I snore! And apparently I take over the bed as well by sleeping on a diagonal.
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