Wednesday 2 January 2008


And I'm now too late to do a 2007 in review. But I think it's going to be the year of the adult. I went to a dinner party with 14 other friends for new year's and to everyone's surprise, it was very civilised. No one got out of hand, became obnoxiously drunk or mildly offensive. A nice change from the skull fracturing days of yore. And to top it off, I wasn't suicidally hungover, in fact, I didn't feel bad at all yesterday (it didn't really stop me from having a big mac though).

And with the new year, comes new eating/drinking routine. I've gained about 20 pounds since moving to England a year and a half ago. That needs to be lost because some jeans I can't fit over my thighs. I'm not 18 anymore. It's so sad to see the effects of ageing. But I am now on my best behaviour for the rest of January, February and March. Come April let's see what I have to say.

And lastly, 1998 was a very good year for me. I started highschool in that year. That was 10 years ago. I guess I don't owe my thighs anything, but I still hate these physiological changes.

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